Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh I almost forgot...



Hood Fab: Mariah and Nick/ More Boots...

Here's a hot look for the wintery holidays. I love those Dior snowboots!

**Photo ganked from

If you need more choices as to what's hot, but can still keep your feet warm, check these out:

UGGs- Metallic (gold and silver) = $150

Hunter - Bubble boot (brown, red, and black) = on sale $300

Both of these can be purchased at Saks Fifth Ave.

Tracey Morgan is a fool! lol

Monday, December 22, 2008

Celebrating the holidays in STYLE!

From L to R: Kerra, Chan, Tammy, KC, and Bels

On Dec. 12, DA Broads and Stacks Entertainment hosted a holiday party at 595 North here in Atlanta. The evening turned out very well. Everyone was looking all fly and chic.

I haven't received the rest of the pics yet. But when I do, they will be posted at

You can also check out pics as

Us BROADS lending an open hand...

From L to R (back row): Tia, Nay Nay, Kerra
From L to R (front row): Kim, lil Dee, Tammy, KC, Bels, and Toni

Ever had a flashback of your highschool cafeteria lady, well just look at the pic above. LMAO!

This is me and Da Broads (that's our click name) over the weekend helping Open Hand fix box dinners for the extremely ill and elderly citizens of Atlanta.

It's always good to give back to the community. This was our way to bless others during this holiday season.

Too bad we all had to look A HOT MESS doing it! :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Katt Williams - It's Pimpin Pimpin *Tink Tink*

This was the funniest part! I was rolling...LMAO.

Lil Duvall...Is Crazy!!! lol


It's funny how people grow older and finally "find" themselves. Like when a guy, who back in the day acted a little too lady-like, then 20 years later he's a full blown transgendered man living as a woman! Everyone around him growing up knew he was different, but somehow he didn't feel secure enough to outwardly prance around in makeup and dresses. I'm sure the main reason was FEAR. Fear of being ridiculed by classmates. Fear that society wouldn't "claim your kind" publicly and in a lit of cases, behind the glass door. But later on somehow he got up enough strength to put the lashes on, and the pantyhose, and embody the very essence of what a woman should be. [I was a friends house and this subject came up about one of their old high school classmates. ]

People kill me not being themselves. You sacrifice many years of your life pretending. Wake up and realize that your life is your own. Your own to do what you want without worry about whether or not you will be judged. Everyone has their own issues. No one is perfect. Start accepting others for who they are. Who are you to judge?

I AM ME...