Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Now I've seen it all...

I have seen it all! How can you lift weights and you only weigh 20 pounds??? WTF?

Oh and ladies, he's available. LOL

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Perfect Combination For The Perfect Guy

Nas and Jeezy! Can't get no better than that.

But I wonder...which one got it going on in the bedroom? hhhmmm. ;-)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who Reps the Southside ATL? Playa Circle

I kind a like this joint. Check out their video "Stupid" feat. OJ Da Juiceman below.

I'm His Only Woman!

It don't make no sense to have two powerhouses on the stage at one time. Jennifer and Fantasia can blow!

Ganked from NecoleBitchie.com!

Friday, April 17, 2009

HOOD FAB: Melrose Scarf Mid FILA

I used to be a sneaker fiend back in the day. I fell off when I started dressing up in corporate gear. But lately, I've been on a real sneaker kick.

Three weeks ago, I bought some pink and white 3 quarter Air Force ones. Last week, the Athlete's Foot on West Peachtree Street, is going out of business. So they had a 50% off sale. I bought a pair of metallic gold Converse (low tops).

And now dammit, I ordered a pair of these silver Melrose Scarf Mid FILAs. Check em out...ain't they fresh to def!

Who Reps EastPoint ATL? Big Boi's King Henry

I guess I'm one of them 404 hoes. LMAO :-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Know It Alls

As I've gotten older, I've calm down a lot...not be so uptight and snappy. I now do the ...1,2,3..WHOOSA before I have the urge to curse somebody out. Wow, I'm now a LADDDIIIEEE!

But what I want to ask my you all is, how do you handle a person(s) that knows everything? You know them types that always have an answer or rebuttal to everything you say or question. Does anyone take the time out to think anymore? I mean, how can you even debate something or give your 2 cent...when you haven't even taken 2 minutes to even think about what the ish was just said. That's because YOU THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL.

For example, there is this older guy that has been trying to get with me. I met him at the Monday night spot we have happy hours at each week. But anyhoo, the guy is cool. But there's something about him I'm beginning to notice and dislike. The other night I figured out why I'm not feeling him as much. See, a crackhead bust the window out of my friend, KJ's, car. So I parlayed with her until the cops came. During our 2 hour wait [this is ridiculous Atlanta P.D.], she and I was conversing in my car and listening to radio. We were talking about niggas and how they get obsessed and start smothering you. Then old dude walks up to my car and interupts our convo. Dropping his 2 cents (which we didn't ask for) and starts talking louder like since he the MAN his opinion is fact and should be heard. Bullshitting me! Him being a MAN doesn't mean nothing especially if you won't allow the WOMAN to speak her mind too without making her feel as if her 2 cents don't mean ish.

He's just another person that THINKS THEY KNOW IT ALL!

I'm sick of these type of people. Get the heck away from me. If you can't allow yourself to be open to advice or just a second opinion, then you are stifling yourself from learning. This world is a big place. It's broad in its culture, views, etc. Your opinion or way of thinking is not the only one in the world. Get a grip!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Check Me Out!

If anyone want to peep into my life as an entrepreneur and co-publisher of STACKS Magazine, check me out tonight on Tiffany Janay's "Hip Hop Entrepreneur Show" @ 11pm EST/8pm PST

Log on to BlogTalkRadio.com and search for Tiffany Janay. Or go to www.hiphopentrepreneurs.com for more info.