Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Video from Jay-Z - "Pray"

Check out one of my idols and industry crushes...Jay-Z's new live performance of "Pray" (from the American Gangster album.

Video - PRAY

Friday, January 25, 2008

A HOT MESS: Mo' Money Taxes

Who would really let these folks do their taxes? Come on now...really.

Thank God I am smart enough to do my own.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

This Broad Need A New Pair of Shoes...

In the past few days, several news outlets have reported that the federal government will be releasing tax rebate checks totalling over $30 billion.

Ladies, what does that mean??? Now you can get those stillettos you've had your eye on. YIPPIE!! Cuz, if you're like me...it's been a minute since you've purchased a nice pair of heels.

The IRS say rebate checks will range from $300 - $1500. The breakdown per payment is as follows:

  • Folks who pay taxes = $600

  • Working couples = $1200

  • Folks who pay taxes and with kids = additional $300 per each child

  • Folks who do not pay taxes and make at least $3000 p/yr = $300

The underlying reason for the rebates is that the economy is in BAD SHAPE! I mean really. How long have we known this.

For more on the topic, go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080124/ap_on_go_co/economy_stimulus .

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fantasia...DO YOU!

It's just something about Ms. Fanna-Mae's voice that gives me the chills. That soulfulness...she's one of the best! I saw her perfrom once live at the Fox Theatre. I tell ya, that was one of the best live concerts I'd been to in a long time.

Here's a video of her rocking the stage this past weekend in Atlanta. I heard she made appearances at two gay clubs and T.I's spot, Club Crucial (to celebrate her "alleged" new boo, Young Dro's, birthday).

Monday, January 21, 2008

The other day my BFF and I were chatting it up (about everything us gals talk about) while watching the movie Boycott on BET. We jokingly brought up the question, "What ever happened to Little Boy King?" It was funny because we weren't talking about the 80's movie itself, but moreso about the guy who played Dr. King in his early years. Then all of a sudden I spotted the guy playing a deacon on Boycott. We was like, "Awe damn there he go."
Its funny how as a child growing up you remember old movies you use to watch consistenly over and over...year by year. But for some reason, Little Boy King doesn't televise anymore. I wonder why. Hhmmmm. But anyway, that movie along with classroom book reports taught us all more about Dr. King, the civil rights movement, and Black culture as a whole.
Thanks Dr. King for the legacy. Heck if it wasn't for you, we'd be forced to watch yearly premiers of Roots or Eyes On The Prize (which too haven't been on air in some time), or...have this lovely day off from work!!

Pic courtesy of: YBF

Awe lookie lookie! My babydaddy (I wish) 50 Cent. Mr. G-Unit himself has gone and replaced the bunnies for the new-and-improved vaneers. I am so happy for him. He looks so much more Hollywood - Corporate America-ish now.

Ladies, stay away from my man! :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are GOONS the new COONS ?!?!?

Today after checking out a few of my favorite blogs, I came across an interesting write-up...here http://www.themostaccess.com/2008/01/15/coon-sh-that-i-am-over/ .

I tell you...after reading it I couldn't help but agree with some of the statements made by the young lady. Videos are over-saturated with big asses, bling, bottles poppin, and so much more sh*t that now it doesn't require much creativity to help the labels sell their product (the artist). WHERE'S THE CREATIVITY PEOPLE?? Now, I won't go as far as to blame the artist(s). In a lot of cases, artist(s) have no control of their image or music. It's the labels that have the budget...the moola.

$$$$ = CONTROL

Now the crazy thing is...why haven't these GOONS figured this mess out? Or do these GOONS even care? Probably not. They do not care. As long as they are getting the attention, flashing a few diamonds, throwing stacks here and there...they cool. And that is what's a damn shame!! Back in the day, Black folk were called COONS...singing and dancing around just to entertain "mainstream" society (white folk). And now several decades later, Black folk are doing the same thing. But now, it's quite interesting that young urban males (and rappers) are calling themselves GOONS. Isn't that ironic?

If you ain't up on your black history, you need to be.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mary Finally Relapsed !!! Say it Ain't So...

Now after all these years, I'm thinking Ms. Mary was drug and alcohol-free, and living life as sober as she could with her hubby. But today's reports across the country, shocked the heck out of one of her biggest fans...ME!
Allegedly, several entertainers have been named with being in connection with an ongoing steriod investigation in Albany, New York. A local Albany newspaper reported that Mary, on occasion, has received human growth hormones called Jentropin and Oxandrolone (an anabolic steriod) sent to her Beverly Hills hotel.
According to Wikipedia,
"The drug was prescribed for a number of medical disorders causing involuntary weight loss, in order to promote muscle regrowth. It had also been shown to be partially successful in treating cases of osteoporosis. However, in part due to bad publicity from its abuses by bodybuilders, Oxandrolone was discontinued by Searle Laboratories in 1989. It was picked up by Bio-Technology General Corporation, now Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc. who, following successful clinical trials in 1995, released it under the tradename Oxandrin.

It was approved for orphan drug status by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in treating alcoholic hepatitis, Turner's syndrome, and weight loss caused by HIV. In addition, the drug has shown positive results in treating anaemia and hereditary angioedema. In a randomized, double-blind study, patients with 40% total body surface area burns were selected to receive standard burn care plus Oxandrolone, or without Oxandrolone. Those treated with Oxandrolone showed improve body composition, preserved muscle mass and reduced hospital stay time. [2] Other studies however have shown links between prolonged use of the drug and problems of liver toxicity similar to those found with other 17α-alkylated steroids. Even in small dosages, many users reported gastro-intestinal problems such as bloating, nausea, skin rash and itching (hives), black, tarry stools or light-colored stools, depression, unusual bleeding, unusual swelling, yellowing of the eyes or skin, and diarrhoea."
Alongside Ms. Blige, rapper 50 cent and producer Timbaland have also been linked to this case.
Mary's spokesperson denounced the reports and states, "Mary has never taken any performance enhancing illegal steriods."
Ok now Mary, please don't go backsliding on me now. It is a well-known fact that people do get addicted to pill medications.
Photos: WireImage/GettyImages

Friday, January 11, 2008


Hello Broads, pals, new friends, etc...

That chick from the westside of ATL is finally blogging. As much as I read other blogs, most would've thought I had my own by now. At first I thought it was too revealing. Especially for someone like me who don't open up to other people too quickly. See I have MAJOR trust issues. And the last thing I want to do is spread my inner most thoughts out for the whole world to read!!! HELL NO NO NO I WON'T DO IT !!!

SIKE!!! Heck why not. E'rybody else is doin it right. [[see how peer pressure get you. :)]] Anyhoo, on this blog I will share my opinions, my advice, my knowledge, my expertise, my jokes, my love, and whatever else I can think of sharing!!!

Hope you enjoy!

"Business Woman 1st, Bad A** Broad 2nd"

PS. A few things about Stacks Entertainment and its subsidiaries will be posted here too. OK K K K K!