Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are GOONS the new COONS ?!?!?

Today after checking out a few of my favorite blogs, I came across an interesting .

I tell you...after reading it I couldn't help but agree with some of the statements made by the young lady. Videos are over-saturated with big asses, bling, bottles poppin, and so much more sh*t that now it doesn't require much creativity to help the labels sell their product (the artist). WHERE'S THE CREATIVITY PEOPLE?? Now, I won't go as far as to blame the artist(s). In a lot of cases, artist(s) have no control of their image or music. It's the labels that have the budget...the moola.

$$$$ = CONTROL

Now the crazy thing is...why haven't these GOONS figured this mess out? Or do these GOONS even care? Probably not. They do not care. As long as they are getting the attention, flashing a few diamonds, throwing stacks here and there...they cool. And that is what's a damn shame!! Back in the day, Black folk were called COONS...singing and dancing around just to entertain "mainstream" society (white folk). And now several decades later, Black folk are doing the same thing. But now, it's quite interesting that young urban males (and rappers) are calling themselves GOONS. Isn't that ironic?

If you ain't up on your black history, you need to be.

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