Monday, January 21, 2008

The other day my BFF and I were chatting it up (about everything us gals talk about) while watching the movie Boycott on BET. We jokingly brought up the question, "What ever happened to Little Boy King?" It was funny because we weren't talking about the 80's movie itself, but moreso about the guy who played Dr. King in his early years. Then all of a sudden I spotted the guy playing a deacon on Boycott. We was like, "Awe damn there he go."
Its funny how as a child growing up you remember old movies you use to watch consistenly over and over...year by year. But for some reason, Little Boy King doesn't televise anymore. I wonder why. Hhmmmm. But anyway, that movie along with classroom book reports taught us all more about Dr. King, the civil rights movement, and Black culture as a whole.
Thanks Dr. King for the legacy. Heck if it wasn't for you, we'd be forced to watch yearly premiers of Roots or Eyes On The Prize (which too haven't been on air in some time), or...have this lovely day off from work!!

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