Thursday, January 24, 2008

This Broad Need A New Pair of Shoes...

In the past few days, several news outlets have reported that the federal government will be releasing tax rebate checks totalling over $30 billion.

Ladies, what does that mean??? Now you can get those stillettos you've had your eye on. YIPPIE!! Cuz, if you're like's been a minute since you've purchased a nice pair of heels.

The IRS say rebate checks will range from $300 - $1500. The breakdown per payment is as follows:

  • Folks who pay taxes = $600

  • Working couples = $1200

  • Folks who pay taxes and with kids = additional $300 per each child

  • Folks who do not pay taxes and make at least $3000 p/yr = $300

The underlying reason for the rebates is that the economy is in BAD SHAPE! I mean really. How long have we known this.

For more on the topic, go to .

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